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Copywrite? CopyWrite? Or Copy Write? Copywriting VISUALLY

Hi all,
I'm a big fan of late-night Paid Programming, ie. Infomercials. I dig how they are SO effective at making the audience LOVE their product, using powerful arguments and enticing demonstrations that lure our hearts and imaginations into a hypnotic state of greed and lust!

I was up late last night watching the Paid Programming station (yes, there is a station that does nothing but play paid programming non-stop ... I love it) and an infomercial came on selling a tricycle for adults. It caught my eye right away as they showed someone going down the street on one of these, swaying back and forth (you'd have to see it to understand) and just having the time of their lives on it! I was truly immersed in their vision and I could just feel the wind in my hair as I pictured myself doing the exact same thing... wow, I want one SO BADLY!

This is where infomercials really nail it, every time. They truly know the MILLION DOLLAR SECRET that brings them, well, millions in sales, every time ... and YOU need to know it to. What is it? ...

... They know that if a customer cannot see themselves using the product, having the experience, enjoying the sensation, feeling the surge of power, creativity, accomplishment, love etc , then the customer simply will not buy the product, period! Capturing your customers hearts and minds is the number one rule in copywriting; and to capture their minds, you have to give them strong word-pictures so they can have the entire experience before they push the "buy now" button! 

Learning this craft can be tricky, but it can certainly be learned if you know who to turn to! And once learned, it can be duplicated again and again for any product, service, or industry you can think of and will essentially secure your future financially as a copywriter.

The MASTER (Seriously) of visual copywriting is Clayton Makepeace. He's a guy I've been a student of for quite a while and he's truly changed my entire style, which in turn has sold a ton of products! "The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach" is the course I use most and refer to every day to improve or clarify my writing style.

You simply will not believe the INCREDIBLE quality of information, tips, styles, and step-by-step instruction you'll get, and HOW QUICKLY it will IMPROVE your copywriting! I use it every single day.

 You should seriously consider a careful review of this important training course and if you feel it will benefit you, BUY IT. It's soooo worth it.
