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Copywriting Software That Generates Copy That Sells

Keeping your needs in mind for a fast method to write killer copy for your website and sales letters, I came across the "B.U.R.P.I.E.S" Software system, which in fact does sound like it would be the name of an organic baby food product, but further digging revealed its actually one of the most amazing little pieces of software you'll ever see.

This software was co-produced by copywriter Brett McFall, an Aussie who happens to know a thing or two about writing good copy. Brett set out to design a system that could help newbies, website owners, or even highly experienced copywriters to create super-selling copy ... not in the usual 30 days of blood, sweat and tears that it normally takes, but rather to accomplish a complete letter, better than you could have imagined and with greater pulling power than anything you've ever created on your own, IN 30 MINUTES!

The BURPIES system helps you to create the entire letter, beginning to end, in 30 minutes and includes every aspect of the letter needed including:

  • Headlines
  • Deck Copy
  • Bullets
  • Introduction
  • Guarantee
  • Testimonials (yes! even the testimonials!)
  • Offer....

... And it does it better than you probably can, in less time, with stronger conversion rates!

Imagine the FREEDOM of having your sales letters and marketing content written in 30 minutes and being able to focus on marketing as your sales letter makes sales for you.

CHECK OUT the BURPIES system to find out how it can completely revolutionize your copy and copywriting tasks, start making more sales today and have time to spend doing the things you like most!